24Hr Home Comfort Services Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Madison’

Upgrade Your Home’s Comfort & Save Big With Homerun Savings

Monday, March 10th, 2025

This March, it’s time to think about your HVAC system. Are you ready for spring? Or would you be better off with an upgrade? A new, high-efficiency system will improve your comfort and save energy—which means you’ll save money every time your utility bills come due. And right now, we’ve got an amazing deal to save you even more.

For this month only, take advantage of our Homerun Savings package, which includes a $1,000 Visa gift card, extended warranty, and free indoor air quality products! That doesn’t even include the up to $4,000 you could get back in rebates and tax incentives. Your high-efficiency HVAC system will be the best choice you’ve made in years. Here are the details.

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Avoid Heating Emergencies by Planning Ahead

Monday, January 13th, 2025

There’s not much that’s worse than a total breakdown of your heating system in the middle of a frozen Wisconsin night. Unfortunately, once in a while, that is the sort of thing that happens. But we have good news for you! You can dramatically decrease the likelihood of needing emergency furnace repair by taking a few simple steps. Here’s what to do.

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Furnace Safety 101: Your Heat Exchanger

Monday, December 2nd, 2024

A gas furnace is a great way to keep your home toasty and warm all through the winter. And natural gas is a great fuel option. But setting anything on fire—and that’s what happens when you combust fuel—comes with risks. Your furnace has some mechanisms in place that keep you safe.

The most important component for the safety and function of your furnace is the heat exchanger. But it requires care to make sure it’s in good enough condition to continue keeping you safe! What is a furnace’s heat exchanger? What can go wrong with it? How can you tell if you need furnace repair in Madison, WI? We’ll explain everything.

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What’s That Smell? Is It Your Furnace?

Monday, November 18th, 2024

Here in Wisconsin, you really don’t want to have to worry about your heating system. It’s too important—you need it to just work and not cause you any trouble. But despite our wishes, sometimes our heating systems do have problems. 

You might realize there’s an issue because you aren’t warm enough, or parts of your house are very warm while other parts are cold. You might notice a spike in your utility bills or the system rapidly turning on and off. You might hear an odd noise. One other way that furnace problems can present themselves is with an odor. Do all heating system smells mean repairs are necessary? No. We’ll explain.

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Plan Your Heat Pump Maintenance

Monday, September 9th, 2024

The efficiency of your heat pump, particularly when its heating ability is compared to that of a furnace or other heater, is incredible! It’s also extremely effective at providing accurate and even climate control, and chances are, it rarely requires any sort of repairs. But the wear and tear of operating for months will take a toll on the system.

It’s pretty simple to keep your heat pump efficient and effective and to ensure that it won’t be likely to need a repair anytime soon. Here’s what to do: schedule heat pump maintenance with a qualified technician. What does heat pump maintenance involve? Why is it necessary? We’ll explain.

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Heat Pump & AC Repairs: Is There a Difference?

Monday, July 15th, 2024

If you’ve recently replaced your air conditioner with a heat pump, or you’re considering making that leap, you might have some questions. What maintenance do heat pumps need? What can go wrong with a heat pump? Do they need different repairs than an air conditioner would need? We’ve got the information you need.

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Get Ready for Your AC Installation

Monday, June 3rd, 2024

Air conditioning installation is pretty straightforward. At least, we think so… but we do it every day! If you’ve got an appointment to have a new AC system installed, it might not seem quite as straightforward to you. You might not have had this done in more than a decade, if ever! So it’s understandable if you’ve got some questions.

Will modifications need to be made to your home to allow for this installation? What will the process be like? How long will it take to get your old air conditioner out and your new one up and running? What can you do to make things go as smoothly as possible, so your AC installation is quick and simple? We’ve got answers for you.

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How Long Do Water Heaters Last?

Monday, April 22nd, 2024

One of the best ways to ruin your whole day when it’s barely even started is with a surprisingly cold shower in the morning! But when your water heater dies, this could be exactly how you get the news. Don’t let this happen to you! 

Having some specific information can be incredibly helpful in preventing sudden water heater failure, and we would like to help provide the information you need. We’ll tell you all about how long you can expect a water heater to last, how to keep it running as long as possible, and what warning signs to watch out for.

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How to Choose a Great HVAC Contractor

Monday, March 11th, 2024

If you consider your home as an ecosystem, your HVAC system is the weather and climate. That’s absolutely critical to the health and wellbeing of the ecosystem and everything in it! Without an effective HVAC system, you won’t have any control over your home’s climate, which can be uncomfortable at best and frankly dangerous at worst, especially during a Wisconsin winter.

This means that the decisions you make about your HVAC system are some of the most important decisions you make about your home. These include decisions about what heating system or air conditioner to purchase, but also about your service provider. Who will do the best job installing, maintaining, and repairing the components of your HVAC system? Here’s our advice on choosing a great HVAC contractor.

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An Emergency Guide to Losing Heat

Monday, January 15th, 2024

Temperatures are quickly dropping as night falls and you’ve just gotten the worst news you could possibly get–your heater is broken. It’s only a matter of time before your home gets frozen over and your family has to stay in a hotel, which will inevitably wreak havoc on your lifestyle and budget.

This might all sound too familiar and scary to deal with, but it doesn’t have to end up this way. Losing heat is a pretty catastrophic problem in our neck of the woods, especially during an unpredictable winter with temperatures that could drop below zero. So, what can you do?

Luckily, our team specializes in heating repairs in Madison, WI. We can help you, but the trick is making sure you stay comfortable and protected until we get there.

Introducing our emergency guide to losing heat. Follow each step closely so that you can go from losing your heat in a panicked moment, to feeling comfortable and safe in your own home again.

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