24Hr Home Comfort Services Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Janesville’

What Services Does My HVAC System Need?

Monday, February 24th, 2025

Whether you’re a new homeowner or you’re newly committing to making household maintenance a top priority, you might not have a lot of experience with HVAC contractors and the services we provide for all the various systems in people’s homes. We’re here to help with a wide variety of household needs! 

The HVAC services you need will depend upon the equipment you have as part of your HVAC system. Each system’s needs might be slightly different, but the things to be aware of overall are the same. Here’s a quick rundown of the types of HVAC system technology you might have, and how to be sure your system is receiving the services it needs.

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Help! My Heat Keeps Turning On and Off

Monday, December 16th, 2024
Service technician testing a furnace

To get your home properly warm, your heating system runs in cycles. The thermostat registers that the temperature has dropped below the threshold and calls for heat. The furnace turns on and runs until the temperature reaches the higher target. Then it shuts off and the house slowly drops in temperature until another heating cycle is triggered.

Sometimes, though, the cycle is interrupted. Instead of running until your whole home is evenly cozy and the target temperature is reached, the system shuts down early. Then, a moment later, it starts up. Then it shuts down again! This is called short cycling. If your heating system is doing it, you’ve got a problem, and it’s only getting worse. As soon as you notice short cycling, get heating repair in Janesville, WI. Here’s what causes short cycling.

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Don’t Forget Fall Furnace Maintenance!

Monday, November 4th, 2024

What a fantastic time of year! There’s such beauty all around, and so many fun gatherings and activities. The air is fresh and crisp, and you know it won’t last long. You’ve got to enjoy autumn while you can. But you also have some important things to do. Furnace maintenance needs to be done in the fall, and you don’t want to forget that. Things can go terribly wrong if you don’t take care of your heating system.

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Helpful HVAC Efficiency Pointers

Monday, October 21st, 2024

Heating and cooling use so much energy that they account for the largest portion of American households’ energy bills. And they’re essential—for your safety, you can’t do without, especially when it comes to heating in our climate. But wouldn’t it be nice if you didn’t have to spend so much every time a utility bill comes due? We’ve got some helpful HVAC efficiency pointers for you. If you’d like more efficiency tips, have specific questions, need to schedule that maintenance, or just want to talk to an expert in all things HVAC in Janesville, WI, we’d love to hear from you.

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Is a Heat Pump an Upgrade From AC?

Monday, October 7th, 2024

Perhaps you’ve heard your friends and neighbors mentioning their heat pumps in recent years. Maybe you’ve wondered what the big deal is, but haven’t asked, or they haven’t explained it very well. But now that you’re thinking about how much longer your air conditioner will last, and whether it’s time to think about having it replaced, you’ve got some questions about heat pumps.

Are heat pumps a new-fangled technology that’s just a passing fad? Are they more complicated, harder to use, or more likely to need repair than an AC unit? Is a heat pump actually an upgrade from an air conditioner, or just different, and not really better? We’ve got the information you need. If you have any questions about your home comfort options or heat pump installation in Janesville, WI, reach out to us today!

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Sounds & Smells? Your Air Conditioner Needs Repair

Monday, July 1st, 2024

When something goes wrong with your AC system, getting the necessary repairs done promptly makes a huge difference. It can keep that specific repair minimal, rather than allowing time for a problem to worsen and cause more damage that is more time-consuming and costly to fix. It will also help avoid increasing electric bills as the struggling unit keeps working harder and harder.

The key here is to realize right away that something is wrong. Only then can you get repairs promptly enough. How can you tell that your air conditioner needs repair? Some of the clearest signs are sounds and smells. Use your ears and nose! Here’s what to be aware of.

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High-Efficiency AC: How It Works

Monday, June 17th, 2024

Whether your air conditioner is no longer functional, would require a costly repair to be functional again, or is simply getting older and making you wonder how many summers it has left, you might be thinking about new air conditioners. We’ve got great news for you. The models available today are extremely impressive.

This isn’t just a matter of how well they work. It’s also about how much less energy they use. While your older unit has been decreasing in efficiency, HVAC manufacturers have been coming up with ways to make new air conditioners much more efficient than your old unit ever was. What technology makes these new high-efficiency air conditioners possible? How do they work? We’ll tell you all about it. 

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Swap Out Your AC for a Heat Pump

Monday, May 6th, 2024

It’s starting to heat up out there. Are you prepared for another summer of trying to keep your home cool? How is your air conditioner doing? If you’re not delighted with how well it’s performing, or if it needs costly AC repair that might not be worth investing in, spring is the perfect time to get that air conditioner replaced. But what should you replace it with?

There are many reasons to consider getting a heat pump in Janesville, WI this time, rather than a traditional air conditioner. If you’re not familiar with heat pumps, you might not be sure why it would be such a good choice. We’ll explain some of the major benefits of heat pumps. Once you know more about them, you might decide it’s a great idea to replace your AC with a heat pump!

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What Are the Different Types of Water Heaters?

Monday, April 8th, 2024

How’s your water heater doing? Has it been causing you any problems lately? Or perhaps you’ve had it for a long time and you’re beginning to suspect it’s not long for this world? If you’re looking into your options for water heater replacement, you’ve noticed there are a variety of options. But what are the differences? For all your questions about water heaters in Janesville, WI, we’d be delighted to talk with you.

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