24Hr Home Comfort Services Blog: Posts Tagged ‘heating repair’

Help! My Heat Keeps Turning On and Off

Monday, December 16th, 2024
Service technician testing a furnace

To get your home properly warm, your heating system runs in cycles. The thermostat registers that the temperature has dropped below the threshold and calls for heat. The furnace turns on and runs until the temperature reaches the higher target. Then it shuts off and the house slowly drops in temperature until another heating cycle is triggered.

Sometimes, though, the cycle is interrupted. Instead of running until your whole home is evenly cozy and the target temperature is reached, the system shuts down early. Then, a moment later, it starts up. Then it shuts down again! This is called short cycling. If your heating system is doing it, you’ve got a problem, and it’s only getting worse. As soon as you notice short cycling, get heating repair in Janesville, WI. Here’s what causes short cycling.

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