It’s Never Too Late for a Tune-Up

February 26th, 2024

Winter’s been going on for quite a while now. It might almost be hard to remember just what summer was like… that mythical time when we could run outdoors in whatever we were wearing, with no need for coats and boots. Does that mean that if you forgot to have heating maintenance done earlier, you should just skip it until next fall? Not at all! It’s never too late for a tune-up.

There are a lot of benefits to having heating maintenance done. And there are still a good number of days left in the winter and spring when you’ll need to run your heat. Why not start enjoying those benefits right away? Here’s what you’ll have to look forward to when you get your heating maintenance in Beaver Dam, WI.

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Can a Water Heater Explode?

February 12th, 2024

Does it seem like there’s a never-ending list of things you have to worry about as a homeowner? A tree could fall on your roof, floodwaters could gush into your basement, or issues with your wiring could cause an electrical fire! Of course, all of these things are very rare. But problems with appliances and home comfort systems such as water heaters are fairly common.

The biggest fear some homeowners have about their water heater is that it could explode. We believe that being armed with information is the best way to spend less time worrying about what could possibly go wrong. We’ll discuss how likely it is for your water heater to explode, how to prevent it, and what problems are actually more likely to occur. 

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An Emergency Guide to Losing Heat

January 15th, 2024

Temperatures are quickly dropping as night falls and you’ve just gotten the worst news you could possibly get–your heater is broken. It’s only a matter of time before your home gets frozen over and your family has to stay in a hotel, which will inevitably wreak havoc on your lifestyle and budget.

This might all sound too familiar and scary to deal with, but it doesn’t have to end up this way. Losing heat is a pretty catastrophic problem in our neck of the woods, especially during an unpredictable winter with temperatures that could drop below zero. So, what can you do?

Luckily, our team specializes in heating repairs in Madison, WI. We can help you, but the trick is making sure you stay comfortable and protected until we get there.

Introducing our emergency guide to losing heat. Follow each step closely so that you can go from losing your heat in a panicked moment, to feeling comfortable and safe in your own home again.

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Is Your Furnace Malfunctioning Electronically?

January 1st, 2024

There’s been a misconception for a long time that electric furnaces use electricity, and gas furnaces use gas only. While this is mostly true, there’s actually one deep flaw in this manner of thinking. Everything in our lives uses some manner of electricity, and a gas furnace is no exception.

For instance, the majority of fuel used in your car to travel is gasoline. But to say your car doesn’t use any electricity is a huge mistake, because cars use electricity for everything from air conditioning to running the radio. Your gas furnace is very similar to this.

So, if there’s a malfunction happening in your gas furnace that requires furnace repair in Madison, WI, then you’ll want to find out if it’s an electrical problem first and foremost. For the reasons we’ll state down below, electrical problems can sometimes be the easiest and most affordable problems to get fixed.

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Why Your Air Ducts Really Matter

December 18th, 2023

Air ducts get a bad wrap in our opinion. They almost come as an “accessory” to your HVAC system which steals all the spotlight. But in reality, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Just as your heating system is a powerful tool that’s full of state-of-the-art equipment designed over centuries, your air ducts are also a product of brilliant modern engineering.

Back in the day, people could only create heat in a fireplace or a “hearth” because there was just no easy way to transport heated air from one location in a home to another. Now, with air ducts, any heating system can provide heat through an entire house and in every room due to a simple invention. However, since people pay less attention to their air ducts, they can get riddled with critters, dust, debris, and other contaminants that can cause problems.

Keep reading down below to find out a few reasons why duct cleaning in Milton, WI is such an essential service we offer.

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Protect Your Heater From Snowy Weather

December 4th, 2023

Heating systems and snow are pretty synonymous this time of the year. The snowier and colder it gets, the more you rely on the warmth of a heating system to keep you comfortable and happy. But snow has some unintended consequences that could hamper your heating equipment and home comfort.

We’re going to focus in on what snow does to your heating system and how snowy weather can be a problem in some ways. Because our winters can be a bit unpredictable (especially after such a crazy summer and fall), it’s important to know what you’re up against in case a large winter storm hits us.

Of course, the best thing you can do for your heating system at the moment is to schedule a heating tune-up in Milton, WI. This will allow a professional technician to adjust, maintain, and inspect your heating system so that it’s ready for the cold months ahead!

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Where Heat Pump Technology Can Help You

November 20th, 2023

Heat pumps aren’t just home heating systems. They work in various different ways throughout our homes to help us. The more we understand how this technology works, the better off homeowners might be at finding ways to use it for better efficiency and home comfort.

Here’s a fun fact–did you know that your refrigerator is a heat pump? It’s a small heat pump that works to pump heat out of your refrigerator, keeping everything inside of it cold. Your freezer works almost identically as well. The smaller the space is, the more efficiently and powerfully the cooling effect can be.

When it comes to home comfort, customers have so many options to use heat pump technology. Sure, you could invest in a heat pump system to keep your home comfortable throughout the year, but you can also focus on a heat pump water heater in Milton, WI to have efficient hot water for your home needs.

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How the Inflation Reduction Act Can Help

November 6th, 2023

The Inflation Reduction Act might sound like old news at this point, but homeowners are still experiencing huge benefits from this legislation on a regular basis. This new set of efficiency standards and programs is here to stay, at least for the next decade, so we’ve got some details on what it is and how it can help you.

Whether you’re a homeowner who’s dealing with a faulty or failing furnace that requires replacement, or you’re a young renter who’s looking for ways you and your landlord can partner up and make things more efficient, the IRA will help tremendously with budgeting, taxes, and more.

Before we get into the juicy details, we’d like to remind our customers that you’ll still need a professional team of licensed contractors for any work that’s required. Feel free to call us for heat pump installation and schedule an appointment once you’re more comfortable with the legislation and how this all works.

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Fall Update: Three Cool Furnace Facts

October 23rd, 2023

Furnaces are the most common heating system in America, but it’s amazing how little some furnace owners might know about these systems. Each one is going to look and feel different in a home, depending on how old they are and how they work, but there are some general rules about how your furnace operates.

For instance, did you know that furnaces can sometimes have a water pump built into them to move condensate? Or that they often operate with the use of electricity, even when they’re designed to burn gas? These are facts that might not be very intuitive but they could provide crucial in a moment where you think there’s something wrong.

The more you know about your gas furnace, the more likely you’ll be able to detect the need for furnace repair in Milton, WI, and call for professional help. Then, we can take it from there.

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The Three Tiers of Energy Efficiency

October 9th, 2023

Sometimes things in life fit into three categories pretty easily. As human beings, it makes sense to categorize things so we can get a better idea of how the world works. This is where we’d like to talk about the three “tiers” of energy efficiency.

We’re not saying that some people are just more efficient than others. This blog post is mainly going to focus on the fact that efficiency, while it should be a priority for everyone, is simply not the highest priority for some people. Homeowners on a budget, for instance, should be more worried about the overall cost of their heating or cooling and what they can afford. But for homeowners with a good amount of savings in the bank, now could be a great opportunity to improve the energy efficiency of your home.

So, let’s talk about the three tiers of energy efficiency when it comes to HVAC in Milton, WI, and how our customers can make improvements to save money down the line.

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